It may make you uncomfortable to treat a missionary like you are subjecting them to an interview process. However, most of them should understand and if they would like you to partner with them would encourage you to ask these questions. It communicates that you care and it will help you
“Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus,” Acts 4:36 Consider with me that Barnabas’ name was not Barnabas as most of us know him. His name was Joseph. The Apostles called him Barnabas, son of encouragement.
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ACCOUNTABILITY? One question I get asked now and then as a missionary is, “who are you accountable to?” Now, before answering the question it is important to know what they mean by that. There are different kinds of accountability. They could mean: 1) Who’s or