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  • Fundraising

    In some cases modern missions work can be like comparing a sandcastle to a towering skyscraper. Often, not always, short-term mission trips, if they are not planned well, can be a lot like building a sand castle. It’s fun for a short time and the work is enjoyable, but what happens after you go home? All the work is slowly washed away by the relentless tide of life.
    How can we counter this?
    The ultimate end of missions work is that God would be glorified among the nations, that men and women would come to know, love and serve Him! To …

  • Missions Prep

    “…and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:15

    Have you ever watched a champion athlete train? It takes considerable sacrifice and dedication. Without adequate training they will not reach their goals. When God calls us to missions He has had this calling in mind for a very long time.
    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
    “But when he who …

  • Summer English Up Outreach – 2016

    In February of 2015 we had our first annual week long EnglishUp! Event. The response was phenomenal and we’re planning another one for the coming summer.
    You do NOT have to be an English teacher to get involved with this! We need English speakers to lead presentations, activities, discussion groups, mingle, and invite the students out to lunch! This is an excellent way for the local ministry of MIA to make new contacts and establish relationships with many unbelievers. Check out the EnglishUp! website.
    Last year the event consisted of a morning and an evening session Mon-Fri …

  • Summer English Camp – 2016

    Much of our ministry throughout the year is building up to this climactic event. The time and investments we have made in people help us build enough trust that they are excited about spending a week with us at camp. English Camp creates an atmosphere and a dynamic where relationships with people can be built in a short time, which otherwise might have taken months. Ukrainians get away from their homes for a week, some of which are not very pleasant places to be, and have the privilege of being around God’s people for awhile, away from the usual routine …

Life in Ukraine is much different then in America. The cultural norm is much more defined and consistent while in America you have a much greater variety of sub-cultures merging together.
How life in Ukraine is different than life in America:
A word of advice: Please do not go to Ukraine with your American expectations and prejudices. For the sake of the Gospel, place personal preferences aside and try not to compare as if America is superior in any way.
• Odessa …

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“Elevate gave me confidence in my communikation with other people, especially with native speakers. Also you presented me a feeling of harmony and kindness. I appreciate that I know you, and I’m a part of Elevate community!”

September 5, 2015

“Hi. I write it cuz i just can’t to be silent. I wanna say to you, to all helpers and to God a big THANK for EnglishUp. That was very, very, very cool time. I think it was my best week of last months. I liked everything and everyone.
You’re all awesome!”

September 7, 2015

“None of us could conceive of all of the energy and entertainment and activity that Jacoby and Lera have put into it!”

September 10, 2015

“Ambition for the Lord is great and a main ingredient of a calling, but it is perseverance in your calling that truly bears fruit. Over the years I have watched Jacoby persevere and I believe he will continue to bear fruit because he is committed in his calling to reach young people for Christ. I’ve been following this ministry for a few ears and I know that he’s not just trying to get away from doing something else so it’s something I can get behind.”

Pastor Ricky
September 4, 2015

“I am pleased to say a good word about your service, because it is really a blessed thing. Your service helps me to improve my English Ву a very interesting way. I was able to get acquainted with the good and the right people. But most of what I would like to thank you it is camp. It was the best time this summer. I got a lot of fun, English and very good conversations with Pastor Georgi. I’d really like you keep working. I know that many people love you and want you to continue to participate in their lives.
Thank God for you!”

September 4, 2015

“I believe in Jacoby and Lera’s passion for the people of the Ukraine and I can see its effectiveness. I see the effort that goes into making MIA valuable to the people they serve and the fruit they are bearing makes it a very worthwhile ministry.”

Pastor Jeff
September 24, 2015

“We had been praying as a family for God to reprioritize our time and make opportunities of service open to us as the Spirit lead, because we already have a relationship with Jacoby and were giving to the ministry we see this as an appropriate service to give more to than just our money. We are confident in Jacoby and Lera’s level of dedication, diligence, first hand experience, and theology in bringing the people of Odessa the gospel.”

September 7, 2015

“The ministry of the English Club became the start of my ministry in church. In the process of the ministry we built deep friendships and support. I’m very grateful to God for this team and friendship.”

September 7, 2015

“My wife and I are confident that there is a great need in Odessa for the work that MIA is doing and we feel that it is often overlooked by missionaries because of the superficial statistics calling it a largely christian region. We also have great confidence in Jacoby and Lera and the church after seeing the work being accomplished for the youth.”

September 7, 2015

“I’ve known Jacoby very personally for 11 years and have had the privilege of being very close friends with him and witnessing the Grace of God on his life in a powerful way. I believe Jacoby to be one of the hardest working guys I’ve ever met and he loves The Lord and his Glory! I’ve personally witnessed the steady growth in godliness and character and ability to articulate the Gospel and the Christian Faith in a clear and compelling way. He’s very clearly gifted by God to be used to do a grand work for the kingdom. I truly consider Jacoby to be a Gospel pioneer.”

September 8, 2015

“Before I found ELEVATE my English was also good, but I was afraid to speek, was afraid to make a mistake in my speech. Now this fear is gone. I am also feel blessed to meet such positive, energetic and inspiring people.”

September 4, 2015

“When I’ve met Jacob and Lera, it was obvious for me how deeply they are devoted in their missionary life. During every preparation of “Elevate” I was impressed how much work was done only for one goal – let people know about Jesus. Besides learning and practicing English myself, I’ve been asking questions and always received answers about Christianity from them. And spending time with Jacoby and his Christian friends during theology nights, fun games, parties etc. was a enjoyable time that ruined all my stereotypes about Christianity.”

September 5, 2015

“I was amazed at the excellent organization that ELEVATE has in it’s structure and the variety that is in each program on Saturday! Another wonderful thing that I really like is Jacoby and Lera’s influence on us getting to make relationships with the people.”

September 10, 2015

“We’ve been missionaries in Ukraine over the last two decades and I had the privilege of working with Jacoby and Lera in their English outreach for the last couple of years. His energy, vision, and passion for reaching people is exciting – we’re looking forward to having them both return!”

September 15, 2015

“I have known Jacoby for 22 years and we are still good friends! He is an honest person with a lot of drive and ambition to make things happen. He has lived as a missionary for Christ’s glory and has never ceased to continue pushing toward what he believes. He is dedicated to working hard and seeing the vision through.”

September 10, 2015

“I recently visited Odessa to help with the EnglishUp! outreach and attended ELEVATE twice. Jacoby and Lera are almost single-handedly performing a tremendous lift with the entire organization of the Saturday morning English-teaching club which is held in the centrally located local Presbyterian Church in Odessa, and which serves to create contacts for the pastors and other Christians who help conduct it – especially now in the Nelsons’ absence. Jacoby and Lera are well-loved and deeply missed by all there. At last count, approximately 100 people were coming on Saturdays, (and attendence rising!) Many of them students, but also adults, young married couples, middle-aged mothers, school teachers, businessmen, etc.
It behoves us to prayerfully uphold and support these efforts, so long as we still have an open door, both politically, and in the hearts of the people there.”

September 10, 2015

“I believe that the work that the Lord is doing is in a very tough area and to a very needy group of young people in Ukraine. What the Lord is doing through Jacoby, Lera and their team is very honorable and pleasing to our Lord. We support the ministry of Mission Impact Alliance.”

Pastor Luis
September 5, 2015

“With Elevate I discovered a new world. The world of fun English, the world of informative English. Every Saturday a new fascinating topic. About a year visit the English Club every Saturday, and now I feel like I pulled up the level of my English, but more importantly I got friends. I know one rule: love teacher -love lesson, and I fell in love with the English through you. I am very much obliged to you for every lesson you done for us.”

September 5, 2015

“Jacoby was the first who told me about Salvation without conditions, except one – believe in Christ, his Sacrifice and Ressurection. It was unexpectable, even weird, because I had other, bad experience of Christianity before. It was more than one year ago, and my relationships with God are better. I pray more, attend the Bible study and church services. I have new friends, I see the other life without alcohol, filthy language, jealousy, greed etc. My new knowledge, all of my friends from Elevate is the big present for me.”

September 8, 2015

“Lera helped me open a lot of new in my life. become more active… pay more attention to the Bible.”

September 5, 2015

“I was in Odessa to help with a week long English outreach and I have been encouraged through the work in Ukraine, because of the unity of the team in the goal of reaching the lost. I have also been impacted greatly by the common bond of humanity that people from other cultures share. Deep down we all desire to be loved and accepted, and we get the opportunity to offer them that in the Gospel.”

September 7, 2015

“After having known Jacob for about 20 years, I have watched his life and heart change. He has grown passionately in his love for our Lord and has such a devotion to Ukraine. We were so blessed to meet his precious wife this summer and to have had the privilege of having her live in our home, as part of our family for about 6 weeks. Their lives and mission reflect a beautiful, well-balanced blend of love for God and the people of Ukraine.”

September 4, 2015

“I am convinced that my faith in Christ was fake before I moved to Odessa and met Jacoby. So meeting Jacoby and hanging out with him all the time changed my beliefs and helped my faith grow. God really used him a lot and I am so grateful for that. Theology nights and stuff helped me know god better and he became a really good friend and mentor of mine.”

September 7, 2015

“I met Jacoby while we were hiking with a group of youth. That is the the time when people just keeping moving forward and talking much to each other. Later I traveled to Odessa from Rivne to help him out with the EnglishUp outreach. I’ll say that he is the guy who knows how and what to tell to the people to reach their minds and souls.”

September 5, 2015

“I’m a Christian and I support the Gospel, I’d be stupid not to! I’ve seen your consistency and the things you are attempting and lots of people attempt things and then end up going other directions but you’ve just stuck with it and that’s what really matters to me.”

September 5, 2015

“I believe that God wants to make a difference through me as an active tool in His hands. I believe that this ministry will bring more people in because of the fruit I’ve seen it brings.”

September 7, 2015

“We’ve been doing several projects in partnership with each other. Jacoby and Lera bring relevance and intentionality to the mission field. every single thing they do is geared towards sharing the Gospel. That’s why I, even as a missionary, personally support them.”

September 5, 2015

“Having heard the vision of MIA to create a place where people can gather for recreation and spiritual growth, and having spent time in Ukraine, I see the need for a place like that to give people hope. Missions is so much more than just preaching to people, but rather developing a relationship in which an individual can grow, and a rec center would be a non-threatening environment for people to come and be blessed.”

September 7, 2015

“2 years ago I was lost, and I could`ve kept being lost in this world of complete despair and blindness, if God haven`t brought me to this community where I`m right now and I have no desire to step back.”

September 7, 2015

“These two cool guys that I love, they make my life on level higher!”

September 10, 2015

“It’s not their work, it is their wish to help people. So this is the way they help people to learn English and it’s very good and it also shows you that you also should help other people and care about others.”

September 10, 2015

“I can not imagine my new life in Christ without your family! I spend a lot of time with you, before I understood, that you are really faithfull guys. You told me a lot of information, before I believed, that you are really doing a lot for me, not for your personal benefit. You really encouraged me by your personal example how love God and faithfully serve to Him!”

September 7, 2015

“I am greatly encouraged by the amazing things I see God doing through this ministry. I’ve been privileged to witness the growth and impact had so far particularly with the youth in Ukraine. I’d keep praying for you as God continues to use you for His great work in Ukraine.”

September 5, 2015

‘The great job all these people do really inspires. They create here in Ukraine not only chance to practise and improve English but they also give us support. They don’t judge you anyway. They teach you life, English, teach you how to understand God. The most important is that they don’t put pressure. You choose your own way of understanding and believing. God bless them!”

September 7, 2015

“ELEVATE is a very spiritual place, where you meet very good and positive people, where you do not need just sit and listen, but you can sing, answer group questions, discussing the topic. In general ELEVATE is not just literacy and quality lessons, but also 100% fun atmosphere here. Each one of us gets free not only English lessons, but also lessons of friendship, support and respect. For all this I want to say thanks to everyone who has made great efforts every Saturday! We feel as at home.”

September 4, 2015

“I’ve known Jacoby for 12 years and ever since I’ve known him he’s been someone who has always invested his own money in Kingdom building.”

October 3, 2015

“When I saw what you guys are doing here at EnglishUp my first thought was, ‘Wow! We really need to be doing something like this at our church!’”

September 5, 2015

“I went to three pastors of the church and asked them my questions. But Jacoby had a way of explaining things which made them make sense.”

September 4, 2015

“I am excited to see what the Lord is doing in Ukraine and believe that Jacoby and Lera are being faithful to be God’s tools in spreading the Gospel. I’m honored to be able to assist in this capacity. I see that this ministry is thoughtful and prayerful, targeting the needs of the country. It is seeking to see the people changed in their hearts, not their culture. To be converted to Christ, not America.”

September 7, 2015

“Once I saw it, once I saw how many people were coming and how much they enjoyed it and how many times they repeatedly came to ELEVATE, I thought, ‘I need to be more apart of this! There are great relationships, friendships to be had there.’”

September 10, 2015

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